YAMA Community is about learning, sharing, connecting, creating, adventuring, moving, and playing while being immersed in the most serene natural environments. The name YAMA was not without thought. YAMA is the first limb of the Ashtanga (yoga) eight-limb practice. The 5 YAMA's are ethical guides to living in avoidance of violence, lying, stealing, wasting energy and possessiveness. YAMA is also a Hindu deity of destruction and a metaphorical death of one's self into a new vibrant, self-loving, kind and caring person. In Japanese, YAMA directly translates as 'mountain', the high points of the earth that have magical, healing energy. We aim to deliver many mountain adventures so you can explore this for yourself. Finally, YAMA is an acronym for Yoga, Arts, Movement/Music/Mindfulness, and Adventure.